Boy Names(Indian) - G

Gagan (sky)
Gajanand (Lord Ganesh)
Gajendra (the king of elephants)
Gandharva (celestial musician)
Gandhik (fragant)
Ganesh (son of Lord Shiva & Parvati)
Gangesh (Lord Shiva)
Gangeya (of the Ganga)
Gangol (a precious)
Ganapati (Lord Ganesh)
Gaurinath (Lord Shiva)
Gautam (Lord Buddha)
Geet (song)
Ghalib (excellent)
Ghanashyam (Lord Krishna)
Giri (mountain)
Giridhar (Lord Krishna)
Giridari (Lord Krishna)
Girik (Lord Shiva)
Girilal (Lord Shiva)
Girindra (Lord Shiva)
Giriraj (lord of the mountains)
Girish (Lord Shiva)
Gokul (a place where Lord Krishna was brought up)
Gopal (Lord Krishna; protector cows)
Gopesh (Lord Krishna)
Gopichand (name of a king)
Gorakh (cowherd)
Gourishankar (Mt. Everest)
Govinda (Lord Krishna)
Gudakesha (the archer Arjuna)
Gulfam (the colour)
Gulzar (gardener)
Gulzarilal (name of Lord Krishna)
Gunjan (buzzing of a bee)
Gumwant (virtuous)
Gupil (a secret)
Gurdeep (light of the teacher)
Gurpreet (love of the teacher)
Guru (teacher)
Gyan (knowledge)
Gyandev (lord of knowledge

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